
UK On-Line Booking (Vehicles Only Inspection)

If you have more than 1 vehicle to book, please add Reg Number, Chassis, Make and Model (separated by commas) in the "Additional Vehicles" box below

Please select if not UK-Tilbury

Booking not complete until fee prepaid and all required documents received

Please note that if your place of inspection is not Tilbury, additional travel fees will apply. Our team will advise based on where your inspection takes place.

For Roadworthiness Inspections

Please provide the UK Vehicle Registration Number (if more than one vehicle separate using a comma)

Add Reg No., Chassis, Make and Model

Please advise us of any special details *Bookings must be completed at least 48 hours prior to inspection. **UK Inspection outside of Tilbury Port will attract an additional Fee. ***UK Inspection booking must include a copy of the vehicle logbook.

EAA Company Limited

A pioneer in used vehicle pre-shipment inspections.
With more than 14 years experience in delivering a professional and unbiased motor vehicle inspection service.
ISO/IEC 17020:2012 Accredited.
Trust EAA inspections for safer roads.